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Augusto Zegarra

Augusto has a BA in film and media arts from the University of Utah. He participated in the 2012 Sundance New Directors/New Screenwriters Lab. Became a grantee from the DFP of Sundance Institute since 2020. His short film, Wiñaymanta, won the Ministry of Culture National Prize for Best Short Films in 2014. In 2015 the film won an honorable mention in Filmcorto at Lima Film Festival. In 2017, he began developing his upcoming documentary and first feature-length film, Hakuchu Munayta. In 2018 he received a grant from the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. He participated in the 2020 DocsBarcelona Industry Market.

Claudia Chávez

Claudia has produced such films as The Catch, a short fiction film by director Thais Drassinower, which premiered at the Tribeca Festival. She is also the producer of the documentary Lítica by director Romina Ortega, currently in production, which has won a grant from the Ministry of Culture of Peru and has been selected in the Co-production forum of FICG. Her film projects have been accepted into such programs as the DocsBarcelona Campus, ChileConecta and the Producer Summit Lab at Sundance. She studied production at the EICTV in Cuba and has a Master's Degree in Audiovisual Distribution at ECAM in Madrid.

Paloma Iturriaga

Paloma has a BA in Architecture from the UPC in Peru. After various jobs in architecture she transferred into filmmaking. Started working in the art department of different music videos. In the past three years she has been mainly focused in helping different filmmakers in building their grant applications. Participated in the Public Pitch and Speed Meetings of DocsBarcelona Industry Market 2020, and became a Sundance Alumn at the 2021 Producing Summit. On 2022 they travelled with the film to ChileConecta Industry Market, where they won two prizes from the WIP competition.

Top row: Martín Valdivia (Assistant Director), Renzo Rivas (Director of Photography, Paloma Iturriaga, Augusto Zegarra, Gustavo Barrionuevo (Sound)
Bottom row: Claudia Chávez, Dylan, and Fernando
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